Gun violence rattles US amid Independence Day celebrations – latest updates | US politics

Less than two weeks ago, Democrats and Republicans managed to bridge the yawning gap between them on the issue of gun control to pass a measure that tightened down domestic abusers’ access to weapons, and allocated money towards mental health programs and schools.

The bill’s catalysts were the mass shooting at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York and, 10 days later, an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. While it was the most significant piece of legislation targeting gun violence in decades, it won the support of only a minority of Republicans, and Democrats acknowledged they would have passed much stronger legislation, if they had the votes.

The law was only days old when the latest high-profile mass shooting, at an Independence Day celebration in Highland Park, Illinois, occurred. Congress is in recess this week, and many lawmakers are back in their districts, where they may face calls to do more to stop the massacres – or to ensure continued access to guns.

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