Elisjsha Dicken identified as man who killed Indiana mall shooter

Greenwood leaders have used several titles to describe Elisjsha Dicken, the 22-year-old Indiana man who intervened in a mass shooting at the Greenwood Park Mall on Sunday night.

A hero. A good Samaritan, even.

Gun-rights advocates have yet another: A good guy with a gun.

Elisjsha Dicken, 22, is being hailed as a hero for intervening in a mass shooting at Greenwood Park Mall on Sunday night.

“I’m grateful a good guy with a gun was there to prevent further casualties and am praying for the families who lost loved ones in this senseless tragedy,” said U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, a Republican who represents Fort Wayne and the northeast parts of the state, in a tweet Sunday night.

As happens with just about every mass shooting these days — of which there are plenty, including what appeared to be two in the Indianapolis area on Sunday — Americans were quick to respond to the news, depending on their views about guns.

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