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Celebrating National Hot Dog Day!

Celebrating National Hot Dog Day!

ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS46) – The hot dog is a humble, yet versatile dish. Every region of the United States has its own take on the simple wiener in a bun. Opinions on the dish are almost as varied as the creations themselves; some prefer the “everything” Chicago dog or the saucy Coney Island dog.

Some people even consider them sandwiches.

Everyone has their favorite, no matter their opinion on what hot dogs are. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council started National Hot Dog Day in 1991 with a hot dog picnic in Washington, D.C. National Hot Dog Day is always the third Wednesday in July.

CBS 46 welcomed Dennis McKinley of the Original Hot Dog Factory to celebrate today and showcase his hot dogs. McKinley brought the goods, showing us the variety of dogs that his store, and the country, have to offer.

McKinley, a Detroit native, opened the first Original Hot Dog Factory in Atlanta in 2010. He told CBS 46 that he was inspired to open the store after traveling the country and trying various hot dogs. To him, Atlanta lacked a hot dog that “lived up to the hype, “ so he decided to make one that did.

The store will celebrate National Hot Dog Day this Friday from noon to 4 p.m. by handing out free hot dogs at every Atlanta location.

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